
You are getting married? That’s amazing! Choose the right place for the most beautiful day of your life and put the planning and execution in experienced hands.

Our classic festive package

  • Table decoration
  • Big wedding buffet
  • Unlimited drinks (8-hour package) beer, wine, soft drinks, coffee, and tea
  • Graf Molkte room for up to 30 people
  • Highlight: The bridal couple gets the wedding night for free

€ 155.50 p.p.

Event room Banquet U-shape sq m
Kartoffelstube 60 - 100
Restaurant 70 - 135
Toucan hall 70 60 200
Restaurant & Toucan hall 150 60 335
Graf Moltke 30  30  

Let us advise you individually on your dream wedding. Call us by phone at +49 38726 88 0, by e-mail or by filling out the contact form.


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